Bilbos Fund

Donate to Help Save Pets’ Lives

Bilbo's Fund at Heartland Veterinary Clinic

Bilbo’s Fund was created by two wonderful people in memory of their beloved kitty Bilbo. These generous folks saw a need. They saw that some owners love their pets dearly, but often could not afford life-saving measures. So, they approached Heartland Veterinary Clinic and together we started this fund. They have helped many pets thus far, but we thought… what if there were more to go around?

We are honored to have such caring clients, and we know that they are not the only clients who wish to help other people preserve the bond they have with their pets. With that in mind, if you are interested, we encourage you to consider contributing to a fund that may help keep a family from having to make a life and death decision based on finances alone.

Donations can be made directly to “Bilbo’s Fund” and are accepted at Heartland Veterinary Clinic. 100% of donations are used to help patients in need. Bilbo’s Fund has helped over 100 patients with over $14,000 in donations since it was started in 2014!

If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please call (540) 434-3903 or contact us online. You can also visit our online store to donate.