Preparing Your Pet For Vet Visit

​Preparing Your Pet for a Veterinary Visit

You don’t like going to the doctor; neither does your cat. Veterinary exams are very important, even for indoor cats. Regular check-ups help keep your cat healthy and can help you identify problems before they become serious issues. But going to the veterinarian can be stressful for your cat. To your cat, the process of entering an unfamiliar carrier, a scary car ride, a strange waiting room, and then the examination can be very stressful.

Feliway pheromones can help reduce the signs of stress your cat may be feeling while at the hospital. In fact, many veterinarians use Feliway pheromones in their practice to help reduce the level of stress. Feliway is clinically proven* to help reduce the stress a cat may feel during a veterinary exam, making it easier for the veterinarian to handle and exam your cat. 

How to Use Feliway® Pheromones to Reduce the Stress of Veterinary Visits

Spray Feliway on the inside of the cat carrier (one spray in each corner and two sprays on the floor and ceiling) at least 15 minutes before use. Also, spray Feliway on a towel to place over your cat’s carrier while in the waiting room. This helps block the cat from the strange sights and provides him with some privacy. The veterinary staff may also use this towel while handling your cat to help reduce the signs of stress. If your cat has an extended stay at the veterinarian (hospitalization or boarding), plug in a Feliway Diffuser at home for the cat’s return.

Using a Feliway Diffuser will also help other cats in the household, as the returning pet may be unrecognizable by smelling and/or looking different (bandages, collar, etc.). You and your cat will have a much better experience at the hospital! 

Help Reduce Your Dog's Fear of Veterinary Visits

Fear among dogs visiting the veterinary clinic is a well-recognized problem. In one study of dogs, 75% of the dogs examined appeared fearful when entering a veterinary clinic, with 2 out of every 3 dogs visibly trembling. There are many possible reasons for this as some aspects of veterinary visits can be unpleasant (such as having blood drawn or receiving vaccinations).

Additionally, a visit to the vet is often associated with a car ride, which is also known to be stressful for some dogs, increasing fear and anxiety before the dog enters the clinic, compounding their reaction. 

Signs of fear in dogs while at the veterinary practice include:

Fortunately, Adaptil offers several options to help your dog cope with visits to your veterinarian. For more information about Adaptil and how to reduce stress when visiting the veterinarian, click HERE. Adaptil has been clinically proven to help reduce stress during veterinary exams, making it a more pleasant experience for everyone.